2023 – a very special year for us
We celebrate our 50th anniversary
The seed for Global Stole was laid in 1973 and was initially run under the name Vinge Smedjern, where the sit stand chair became the first product to be developed, then came the company's signature product: The well-known roller-stool, of which we have produced close to 1 million copies. In the following years, the range was expanded with several types of industrial chairs.

In 1986, the space became too tight and production was moved to Hvorslev, which is still the domicile of Global Stole today.

Global Stole anno 1986
The company enters into cooperation with a Swedish business partner and sales are growing steadily in Scandinavia.
In 2007, the company changes owners, and a serious focus is placed on expansion, which among other things leads to the development of our collection of ergonomic saddle chairs, which is today one of the company's best-selling categories.
The company acquires the neighboring land, which will house steel production as well as a building with a canteen and showroom.

The upholstery department is being expanded with a new machine which simplifies and speeds up the upholstery process.

In order to meet the increasing activities and maintain our desire for proximity and optimal customer service on the French market, a sales office is established in Strassburg.

The production facilities are once again too cramped, and an additional building is being built in connection with our steel production, where several of the company's machines will be moved.

Global Stole is certified in ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, which are collections of internationally accepted standards that form the basis for determining the respective quality management and environmental management.

In order to maintain proximity and optimal customer service for our Scandinavian customers, separate sales offices are established in Sweden.
After a long period of planning and testing, a thorough reorganization of the production layout in production, assembly and packaging is implemented, which streamlines and optimizes the workflows, and which also ensures us the capacity for continued development.

Work on the company's green business plan begins. Base figures for 2020 are obtained so that we can keep an internal sustainability account.
In addition, we also work with the UN's global sustainability goals, where, among other things, we focus on the fight against climate change. Here we have removed our consumption of natural gas and converted our electricity consumption to 100% Co2-neutral Danish wind energy.

Steel production is being upgraded with a new fiber laser. Which both increases efficiency and flexibility in the steel production, and which not least reduces waste.

Today, the company has over 3300 m² of production and storage, where we combine old craftsmanship with modern machines and robotic technology to create innovative and durable seating solutions for the professional market.

However, Global Stole's story is not exclusively a story of a company in the development and production of ergonomic seating solutions. It is also a story about will, optimism and respect for both integrity and detail.
Our will, optimism and respect naturally apply to our products, but equally to our targeted work for a healthy and positive working environment as well as our continuous efforts for the climate, the environment and our social responsibility.

We rejoice the company's first 50 years and look forward to the next 50 years, where we will still keep up with the times and developments, but never forget our fundamental values.
Because if anything, history has taught us that a chair is just a chair until you sit on it.
The range today spans ergonomic and flexible seating solutions for industry, the automotive industry, kindergardens, offices and clinics, which improve the working environment in workplaces all over the world.
We are ready to continue our work on our vision to improve the working environment in workplaces all over the world with ergonomic, practical and durable seating solutions.

With 50 years of experience, we can help your customers to greater joy of sitting.
Joy of work - Joy of sitting -
Joy of life