Venus Sway
The Sway base excels in being flexible, allowing you micro-movements while sitting on it. When using Sway as a sit stand, you gain a better weight distribution, so you relax your back and use the large muscle groups in your legs instead. And at the same time you have the opportunity for constant movement.
With the flat and stable base you can sit relaxed and secure so you can enjoy comfort and healthy movements all at the same time.
Venus has a seat in super soft polyurethane foam with large seating area and lumbar support. The EASY-SEAT mechanism enables infinitely adjustable seat angle adjustment 14° forward and 3° back.
The polyurethane foam seat provides good seating comfort and is practical and robust - even in the rougher environments. Polyurethane also distinguishes itself by being tough against many types of liquids and chemicals while being easy to clean.
Seat: W:36 x D:26 cm.
Seat height, medium gas spring: 56-75 cm.

Article number: 852014